About us

TAI Community Based Organization is local organization striving to achieve lasting improvement in the lives of deprived children, women, and marginalized groups and the general community in Meru County through capacity building and empowerment for sustainable development. The organization was established in the year 2000 as a self help group and formally registered as a Community Based Organization in 2017 with an aim of implementing community development programs to alleviate poverty and human suffering in the rural parts of Igembe Region.

Our Vision:

A society in which all its members realize their full potential and live and enjoy self actualized lives

Our Mission:

To achieve lasting improvement in the lives of rural communities through a participatory approach to development that adds meaning to their lives.


To promote the rights and interests of children, women, and the marginalized groups and assist vulnerable families in fighting poverty and human right issues that affect and hinder their participation in development.

Our core areas of focus:

The CBO focuses on four inter related areas of work;



Family Livelihoods

